2023 Apr 23 - Simet Winder

Ever since discovering this Italian discontinued electric winder online in 2018 I’ve been trying to find one to buy. This is a fantastic cone winder - an amazing electric version of the unrelated Royal cone winder. See YARN WINDERS

Then on a Facebook group I won the bid for a winder in the states. When it arrived disappointedly poorly packed and decimated, I contacted the seller on Facebook messenger who feigned worry and promised a refund that evening. Even though I later emailed as well, she chose to not contact me any further. I wish bad karma to the seller - saying your husband poorly packed it is not acceptable (neither is three pieces of newspaper and a box too small to protect anything). Bygones. Nothing more could be done - PayPal and my credit card declined helping - non-email promises don’t count as communication, UPS said I didn’t ship it myself so I couldn’t do anything.

The base itself (without the broken shell) does seem to work/power up so I laid all the pieces out on a tray and spent most of the day Saturday April 22 Gorilla Gluing them together. The gel glue I used has an hour setting time so I couldn’t go too quickly. It also is the kind that expands on cure. Which made a mess but perhaps offered more support? This took the greater part of that day.

Sunday Apr 23 I used my Dremel rotary tool to reduce the excess expanded glue, and after a hardware store walk, I placed a layer of epoxy to further strengthen the shell. Once dried/cured, I repeated layers as needed.

I problem solved a new screen for the motor area and rebuilt the shell areas where the shell connects to the main base. Once all is cured and set I will reevaluate and see if it needs more epoxy or whether I can proceed with beautifying.

What this version of a Simet winder looks like (can differ in color).

The winder housing is better than new structurally (but not aesthetically). Next week I will beautify it - we are getting married tomorrow Friday May 5, 2023. :) Stay tuned.

Sept 3, 2023: Time has flown but now it’s time to finish this beautification. First I used my Dremel and sanded the outside surfaces, both to add a porous paint-sticking surface, and to slightly even out some of the gobs of cured glue. That made a mess. Then I used the last cab of grey primer paint and did a base coat. It says it needs four hours to fully dry.

Tomorrow if the primer is happy I’ll see if the paint I used in the past will work for the next step. This paint is called “Unicorn Spit” and I first used it to custom decorate a lovely circular sock machine table that was later stolen by Grace - who I lent it for her free use at a csm event we both attended in the states. She damaged it slightly at the event with her vintage lamp and never returned the table. :(

Monday Sep 4, 2024

I’ve painted the Simet winder housing with Unicorn Spit. It’s a versatile paint medium allowing for almost unlimited potential. I chose this paint (not only because I still have leftovers) because applying it as I have will disguise some of the uneven glued surfaces.

Now to allow this to dry and self cure for a couple days (just in case). Much later I will topcoat cover it with a non-water based glaze coat.

I’ve done two layers of gloss. I’ve decided now to upgrade the feet on the winder to something rubbery with better grip. I prepped the surfaces, applies gorilla gel glue (and the rubber feet) then applied a heavy board to allow the feet and glue to cure and set evenly. By gluing the feet with the winder upside down I can better manage any glue spill without worrying about the winder flying itself to the table.

I am thrilled with how the winder turned out! I wish the white feet were black but not enough to go find replacements.

In the future I will add more gloss to the two coats there but will wait until after the upcoming event so that off-gasing will be minimal to none (the gloss is oil based and has an aroma while it cures).

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