2023 Jan 27 - Lace Bedspread with Punchcard 2

This is my now three time restart first blanket project on my Singer 700 flat bed knitting machine using the second lace carriage punch card (and the lace carriage).

Below is the third and final restart. After unknitting my errors I chose to make each panel separate (it’s certainly faster than trying the join as you go).

Now with all panels made it’s time to steam prep each panel.

Yes they say to gauge and test. The seven panel planned blanket is too wide on the bed. Each panel is finished at 55cm wide. The blanket is redesigned to be four panels wide. HEY two blankets? Hah

I’m still positive. Have I shared how not fun steam ironing is (and how slow!?)

All the panels are now steam ironed (it took forever). Now to consider the bed spread pieces for assembling.

Awesome! I’ve done a final assembling of the blanket - four panels - olive green - mint green - olive green - mint green. Using the linker the panels were assembled on the Purl side. I then ran the linker on the top and bottom edges to create a chain stitch - ensuring to place one project stitch on every second Linker point to produce a fabric that wouldn’t bunch or be too tight.

I made a short demo video to help others do the same. Instagram post.

After that I removed the scrap yarns. Now I’m working single crochet all around the blanket edges.

Below is the second try which involved joining as you go - one and two panel attempts. Without having thought to mark any of the panels it was too easy to make mistakes which resulted in joining errors and segments too short. (A great received tip after the fact: Next time use markers regularly). All was undone except the two olive green lace panels. Restart.

Instagram post: one | two | three | four | five | Six | seven | eight | nine | ten |

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