2018 Aug 21 - CSM Travel Storage Stand

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When I had this idea as it appears above in the images, it was inspired by the need to travel locally by bus with my machine and to ensure upon arrival that I can still use my machine - even if the local tables are too thick to mount the machine to their tables. Video summary of this cool idea.

This project began with the inspiration of a hardware store wood ‘crate’ which had the holes cut into each side as a handle. Basically I removed all the ineffective slats and up-cycled those handle pieces, replacing all other sides with wood I then purchased.

-an inner vertical shelf (reinforced with a sheet of metal) to clamp and protect the machine within
-a top horizontal surface to clamp the machine onto for use on the stand, anywhere (without buckle weights)
-without the machine clamped to the top surface, the left and right clasps open to allow the top to completely flip up and open on a horizontal hinge on the back of the stand (an extra unecessary feature it was later decided however it is nice to be able to check the machine easily if needed while clamped on the inner vertical shelf).
-rubberized strips were applied the bottom of the stand for secure use on any surface

-design a new version of the stand so that the buckle and buckle weights can be used on the stand with the machine while not unbalancing it.


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