2023 Dec 2 - EEW Cone Winder

I received my Dreaming Robots Kickstarter contributed electronic winder a couple days ago from Maurice in the United States. The three boxes were taped together and arrived quite beat up.

The winder was $409USD ($289USD +$120USD shipping to Canada)

The winder came with 60 cones and I added another 50 cones for $50USD.

For best tension and wind it’s recommended to use the tensioner placed a minimum 16 inches from the winder which means either clamping the two units or temporarily attaching them to a board in alignment (I used Velcro).


Pros: wonderful control with the speed control with the added option of a slimline narrow control (they call it a foot pedal) to pause the machine. The tensioner offers a no-slip yarn path with a variety of metal pegs (and extra optional standard spring style version of desired) to set yarn tension for winding. Lovely easy to wind cones that can be used in any heat dyeing process:

Cons: Like all electronic winders, this winder isn’t silent-buts that’s ok!

While Maurice noted some other cones work as well, none of my many oddball sized cones worked - this unit uses very specific upgraded cones so ensure to buy enough.

Below are images of my obtaining a board and setting the machine up using Velcro.

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