2022 Nov 13 - Flat Bed goes to the Spa (Servicing!)

Today we dropped off the full Singer 700 Flat Bed with Lace Carriage at the lovely home of a “local” couple who service Flat Bed machines. They advised it may take a couple days to a week (or thereabouts) and that they would contact us prior to doing anything that would incur further costs - I asked them to go ahead with those repairs. They recommended using the silicone lubricant I found mentioned online (YouTube - theanswerladyknits) and also recommended minimally using sewing machine oil on a cloth to apply to the metal needle bed and rail that the carriage travels on (I already have that oil for my circular sock knitting machines).

Issues that I noted in the Nov 9, 2022 blog post: where the Lace Carriage was not fully patterning the full diamond pattern of the Lace Punchcard #2. User error added issues when I wrongly adjusted something where the needles align but this also could have been out of whack due to needle jams that irrevocably damaged two bed needles (which I later removed the needles and tossed for new ones).

Last night when packing up the machine I really noted again how damaged the case corners were when I received this amazing machine - that the plastic pieces are starting to basically disintegrate. I reinforced the broken corners with Gorilla Super Glue and duct tape and removed the rust you can see in this picture. It’ not sexy but its better?

Today when we dropped it off I noted that the bracket that is under the machine and is used to mount the machine to the table was missing the left plastic piece and when I touched the right, the plastic partly crumbled. Yikes. The plastic outer case is really showing its age!

The couple we brought the machine and Lace Carriage to said they will remove all the needles, clean everything everywhere and replace what they could with what they have. One of them noted how the main carriage (the K carriage?) had nicely moving patterning wheels on the back but that the Lace Carriage patterning wheels where more stiff. I related the issues noted with the Lace Carriage with need of realignment of the latch needle end movement area. There was comment on how “worn” the newly installed spongebar looked and how the utility tool compartment on the far right has broken bits that hold the lid in the hinge there.

ARGH!! I realized AFTER the fact that I should have brought the ribber too. Perhaps I will ask if we can bring it by once the first items are ready for retrieval.

At the end of this I received a receipt with serial numbers of what was dropped off (all accessories not related to the basic machine were returned to me prior to leaving the flat bed for servicing).

It was mentioned that they have two Autoknitters which they haven’t used yet but have the wish to know how to use the Autoknitter ribber function. I fully offered to help them know whatever they wish and noted my website and info to help in any way.

Now to go work on something else in the meantime. :)